$1.69B to offset Amtrak losses … Amtrak fights for Alabama access … NYC subway ridership up

Amtrak Midwest train in Chicago
The Department of Transportation’s Federal Railroad Administration is making more than $1.69 billion available to Amtrak for relief from the impacts of Covid-19. © Amtrak

U.S. DOT provides $1.69B to offset Amtrak Covid losses
The Department of Transportation’s Federal Railroad Administration is making more than $1.69 billion available to Amtrak for relief from the impacts of Covid-19. Amtrak has faced unprecedented declines in ridership and revenue since the start of the pandemic, forcing the company to furlough employees and reduce service levels. Funding will be used primarily to offset the loss of ticket revenue used to operate trains and maintain infrastructure. Amtrak has begun recalling furloughed employees and plans to restore long-distance service starting in late May. [transportation.gov]

Amtrak says Alabama support not required for Gulf Coast return
Amtrak does not need unanimous political support from all three states included in a revised Gulf Coast passenger rail route, according to a filing to the U.S. Surface Transportation Board. In the filing, Amtrak, disputes claims from two freight operators – CSX and Norfolk Southern – that Alabama’s support is needed for the return of passenger rail between New Orleans and Mobile. Amtrak also urges the STB to rule on the “potential freight impacts” the two daily passenger trains would have on the Mobile region’s economy. Louisiana and Mississippi support the project. [al.com]

More ‘straphangers’ returning to New York City subway
MTA New York City Transit officials have announced a new pandemic subway ridership record, with 2,119,655 trips recorded on Friday, April 23. This is the most trips taken on the subway since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in New York City, and first time during the pandemic that subway ridership reached the 2.1 million mark. Subway ridership surpassed the 2 million mark on April 9. Prior to the pandemic, average weekday ridership totals routinely exceeded 5.5 million in the subway system. [rtands.com]

Costa Rica ready to debut new passenger trains
Residents of San José’s Greater Metropolitan Area will soon notice a new addition to the public-transportation sector. After a three months of testing and training for driving personnel, the Costa Rican Railway Institute is ready to introduce eight self-propelled diesel train carriages. Each of the trains has a capacity of 372 passengers, double the capacity of current cars. They also pollute 90% less than current trains. On-board amenities include air conditioning, preferential seating for people with mobility issues, and wheelchair spaces. [ticotimes.net]