Feds grant $1.3B to LA Metro proj … UK rail operators get virus lifeline … Boston station proj moves ahead

Station concept
Los Angeles' Metro has signed a federal Full Funding Grant Agreement (FFGA) for $1.3 billion to construct the Westside Purple Line Extension Section 3. © Metro

LA Metro Signs $1.3B full funding grant agreement for Westside Subway Phase 3
Los Angeles’ Metro has signed a federal Full Funding Grant Agreement (FFGA) for $1.3 billion to construct the Westside Purple Line Extension Section 3. Together, the extensions will add 9 mi of Westside Purple Line (now renamed the “D Line”) subway, extending from Koreatown to Beverly Hills and West Los Angeles. Subway extension sections one and two are already under construction. Phase three will extend the subway 2.6 miles from Century City to Westwood and the V.A. Hospital. [la.streetsblog.org]

UK Government supports train operators during Covid-19 pandemic
UK railway operators have been given the option to temporarily transition to Emergency Measures Agreements during the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic, allowing the Department of Transport to take over the franchise. Under the agreements, revenue and cost risk will be transferred to the government with operators continuing to run the daily services while incuring a small management fee. Has the government just renationalised Britain’s railways? offers a different take. [railway-technology.com | citymetric.com]

MBTA awards Green Line B Branch station consolidation contract
The Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) has awarded a $17.8M contract to consolidate four existing Green Line B Branch stations into two new stations. Under the contract, St. Paul Street and Boston University West stations will be demolished and rebuilt into one station; the Babcock Street and Pleasant Street stations replaced by another. The project, which will allow for faster trips along Commonwealth Avenue, is due to start this fall with completion in one year. [progressiverailroading.com]