Ottawa O-Train expansion OK’d … Drones to guard Florida tracks … Understanding transit opposition

The Stage 2 expansion project will add 24 stations to the capital’s light rail network.
The Stage 2 expansion project will add 24 stations to the Canadian capital’s light rail network. © OC Transpo

Canada: Ottawa O-Train expansion approved
The Ottawa City Council formally approved the award of contracts for the O-Train Stage 2 expansion project, which will add 44 km (27 mi) and 24 stations to the capital’s light rail network by 2025. []

USA: Tri-Rail has new drones to watch the railways for safety.
Tri-Rail plans to adopt drone technology to spot trespassers and prevent suicides as well as accidents on the railway. The South Florida RTA recently purchased the drones and hopes to start using them within the year. []

Why do the best transit projects face the strongest opposition?
Despite practical approaches seeking to connect the places people live, work, and play, the country’s transit systems still face powerful opposition. []

Africa: Ghana bets on rejuvenated railways for growth
As Ghana’s urban landscape gently slides by the train window, Shaibu Amoah swells with pride. The 37-year-old has been helping to renovate railway lines in Accra since June, clearing debris and shovelling ballast in the hot sun. []

USA: At Amtrak, it’s no longer 1950
“Millennials take over as the largest American cohort this year, replacing Baby Boomers as Amtrak’s core market. As demographics change, so must Amtrak’s public purpose,” says Amtrak Senior Executive Vice President Stephen Gardner. []

USA: Food service on Albany-NYC train may re-up in 2019
Food service may be coming back to Amtrak’s Empire Service train line connecting New York City’s Pennsylvania Station to the Albany-Rensselaer station this year. []