SF Bay crossing for Amtrak? … Travelers want San Jose airport link … China’s New Year ridership up

A Transbay link would enable Amtrak's Capitol Corridor to go beyond East Bay cities like Oakland.
A Transbay link would enable Amtrak's Capitol Corridor to go beyond East Bay cities like Oakland. © Pi.1415926535 | Wikimedia Commons

USA: BART, Amtrak assess building new shared transbay crossing
A second Bay Area crossing would give passengers a “one-seat” ride on the Capitol Corridor train from downtown San Francisco to Sacramento. [sfchronicle.com]

USA: Travelers Embrace Idea Of Tunnel Linking San Jose’s Train Station And Airport
Travelers are embracing San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo dream of a two mile long tunnel connecting the airport to Diridon train station. [kcbsradio.radio.com]

Asia: China’s railway trips up 8.6 pct in first 15 days of travel rush
Railway passenger trips in China rose 8.6 percent year on year to 143 million during the first 15 days of the annual travel rush around the Spring Festival. [chinadaily.com.cn]

USA: Accessible subway station numbers in Manhattan are inflated, report says
New York City’s Manhattan Borough President’s office reviewed conditions at 42 accessible stations in a new survey. [curbed.com]

Asia: Is a high-speed hyperloop close to becoming a reality?
An ultra-high-speed ‘people pipeline’ looks set to be built in India. [techradar.com]

Europe: High-speed rail link to Paris CDG airport will be built, government insists
The French government has insisted the high-speed rail link between Charles-de-Gaulle airport and the centre of Paris will go ahead as planned despite mounting opposition. [thelocal.fr]