Amtrak execs look to future … China doubling high-speed by 2035 … Amtrak achieves full PTC

Amtrak Siemans Charger
As Amtrak approaches its 50th year, Amtrak executives discuss the company’s role as the provider of national passenger rail service (Amtrak Siemans Charger, pictured). © Rail Color News

Podcast featuring Amtrak execs profiles rail service’s future
As Amtrak approaches its 50th year, Amtrak President and CEO Bill Flynn and Senior Executive Vice President and COCO Stephen Gardner discuss the company’s role as the provider of national passenger rail service. Topics include long-term visions for long-distance routes and short- to medium distance corridors. Political and congressional relationshps are also explored and Amtrak’s characterization as a “monopoly” ss considered. []

China plans to double high-speed rail network by 2035
China Railway Group plans to increase the country’s high-speed rail network from 36,000 to 70,000 km (24,000 to 48,000 mi) over the next 15 years. Beijing sees the investment as a way to stimulate demand in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic and the continuing trade war with the US. It also wants to create a more integrated national market and more even growth across the country. All cities with a population greater than 200,000 will be on a rail line, and those with more than 500,000 people will have access to a service traveling at over 250 km/h (155 mph}. []

Amtrak completes PTC implementation
Following installation on approximately one mile of slow-speed track in the Chicago terminal, Amtrak has now implemented Positive Train Control (PTC) on all of its owned and controlled tracks and locomotives. Meanwhile, the national passenger rail service is continuing to work with partners throughout the industry to advance this system on host infrastructure. Amtrak is also on target for all tenant railroads (such as NJ Transit) to be operating with PTC across all of its infrastructure. []