Trump admin delays transit funds … Boost for Milwaukee-Chicago … Denmark’s train dream

Minneapolis light rail
Transit projects in dozens of cities, including Minneapolis, are being impacted by Trump administration funding delays. © McGhiever | Wikimedia Commons

USA: Trump admin holding back billions in transit funding, say congressional critics
Delays in the distribution of already appropriated capital grants by the Trump Administration’s Federal Transportation Authority have stalled dozens of transit projects across the country including light rails projects in Minneapolis, Phoenix, and Los Angeles. []

USA: Amtrak Hiawatha increasing Milwaukee-Chicago round trips over the next 5 years
A newly-announced five-year plan will increase the number of Amtrak Hiawatha round trips between Milwaukee and Chicago from seven to 10. Plans call for the addition of one round trip in the next three years, followed by two more in the two years after that. []

Europe: In Denmark’s Train Dream, the Next Big City Is Only an Hour Away
Denmark’s transportation minister has revived a 2014 plan to halve travel times between the country’s five major cities. The plan would it easier for the modestly-sized country to function as if it were a single unified (if wide-ranging) metro area. []

USA: California moving toward awarding $1.65 billion high-speed rail contract
Although the project has had a bumpy ride so far, California officials plan to award a $1.65B contract to design and construct the tracks and system for the first segment of the line. The contract will cover designing, building, and maintaining infrastructure along 119 miles in the Central Valley. []

Europe: Strong case for overnight trains to Amsterdam
A study by the Institute of Mobility Policy (KiM), part of the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure, has concluded that there is a strong case for the reintroduction of overnight services from the Netherlands to other European countries. []