Amtrak stalls Connecticut rail boom … Hong Kong rider target off … The movement for fairer fares

CTrail's new Hartford Line is exceeding ridership expectations and smaller complementary Amtrak trains are turning Connecticut commuters away.
CTrail's new Hartford Line is exceeding ridership expectations and smaller complementary Amtrak trains are turning Connecticut commuters away. © Benjamin Dziechciowski | Flickr

USA: As Ridership Booms On the Hartford Line, CTrail Riders Are Being Kicked Off Amtrak Trains
A seat on the 4:32 p.m. train out of Hartford’s Union Station is emerging as the most coveted seat on the CTrail’s new Hartford Line that was launched in June. []

Asia: Passenger totals for Hong Kong high-speed rail at 63 per cent of target in first month
Railway operator, MTR, says average ridership is between about 30,000 and 40,000 people daily with no word on whether it would be difficult to reach the government’s projected total profit of HK$671m this year. []

USA: The Movement for More Equitable Transit Fares
The nation’s biggest transit agencies — including Denver, San Francisco, Seattle, Portland and New York — are in the process of discounting fares for lower-income riders, many by as much as 50 percent. []

USA: New Milwaukee streetcar ‘The Hop’ unveils plans for grand opening weekend events
The streetcar tracks, in downtown Milwaukee, are hard to ignore. Now it’s finally time to find out what they’re all about. The Hop is having its ‘Grand Hop-ening’ Nov. 2-4.  []

USA: Judge tentatively rules against California high-speed rail opponents
A judge has tentatively rejected arguments by opponents of California’s high-speed rail project that the state is improperly spending bond money approved by voters in 2008. []

USA: Passenger rail between Baton Rouge and NOLA: Near reality or pipe dream?
Proponents of the long considered passenger rail between Baton Rouge and New Orleans say the commuter rail is “closer than ever.” Whether that’s wishful thinking or truth depends on who is doing the talking. []

USA: Push continues for rail line connecting Chicago with Columbus
A proposed passenger rail line that would run from Chicago to Columbus, Ohio, could see between 387,000 and 765,000 passengers annually, according to an engineering firm’s analysis. []

The Future Of High Speed Rail Travel In Florida Is Bright
For anyone who has traveled much on Amtrak, South Florida’s new Brightline is much more along what you would find in Europe, and in some ways even a bit nicer. []