USDOT favors Amtrak Gulf return … Canada to fund Ontario projs … Texas bill grants Austin transit access

Amtrak train
The Biden Administration is officially tossing its support behind Amtrak’s return to the Gulf Coast. © Pixelbay

USDOT backs Amtrak’s return to Gulf Coast
The Biden Administration is officially tossing its support behind Amtrak’s return to the Gulf Coast. The confirmation came in a letter from John Putnam, acting general counsel with the U.S. Department of Transportation to the U.S. Surface Transportation Board, charged with ruling whether Amtrak can restart a twice-daily service between Mobile and New Orleans. The service also calls for four stops in Mississippi – Pascagoula, Biloxi, Gulfport and Bay St. Louis. []

Canada to fund Ontario’s four priority transit projects with C$10.4B
Canada has joined the province of Ontario in an agreement on the federal cost burden for the province’s four priority transit projects – all located in the Greater Toronto Area. Ottawa will cover up to 40 percent of the capital costs of the Ontario Line, extensions of the Scarborough and Yonge North Subways, and the Eglinton Crosstown West light rail project. Up to C$10.4 bn (US$8.58 bn) in federal funds will be combined with the up to C$17 bn (US$14.04 bn) from the province. The four projects are expected to total C$26.8 bn (US$22.12 bn). []

Texas House paves way for light rail tunnels under downtown Austin park
The Texas House has approved a bill that paves the way for the construction of light-rail tunnels under two state-owned parks in downtown Austin. The bill grants Capital Metro a 99-year lease to the underground rights of Republic Square Park and Brush Square. Both parks are set to have tunnels built under them as part of Project Connect’s $7.1 billion light-rail and transit system. Project additions to the city’s public transit system include two light rail lines and related infrastructure. []

Crossrail begins testing trains on the Elizabeth line in London
London’s Crossrail project has begun running test trains under the city, boosting confidence that the Elizabeth line will open within a year. Safety testing operation of four trains an hour is seen as a “milestone” in the development of the £19 bn east-west rail link across the capital. Tests of Crossrail stations and systems will follow later this year. Crossrail’s planned launch is set for early 2022, however Transport for London leadership is eyeing a pre-Christmas start-up. []